Nutramax CoMal Q10 - 180 Capsules

Nutramax CoMal Q10 - 180 Capsules

Product Description

Coenzyme Q, also known as ubiquinone, is a lipid-soluble compound that inhabits the inside of inner mitochondrial membranes. CoQ functions as a cofactor in several enzyme systems related to energy conversion and is a vital catalyst to energy production at the cellular level. As such, it is essential for human and animal life to exist. The mitochondria are called the "powerhouses" of the cell. Without them the cells would be unable to extract significant amounts of energy from the nutrients and oxygen, and as a consequence essentially all cellular functions would cease. Mitochondria are present in all portions of the cytoplasm but the number per cell varies from less than a hundred to several thousand, depending upon the amount of energy required by each cell. They are abundant in skeletal muscle cells and very abundant in myocardial cells. Because of the huge energy needs of the myocardial cells, a deficiency of CoQ could have a particularly severe effect on myocardial function. Coenzyme Q is generally accepted in biochemistry as a natural or intrinsic component of electron transfer processes of respiration and coupled oxidative phosphorylation. The response to CoQ supplementation over time is acceptable in biochemistry for a nutrient in contrast to the almost immediate responses of drugs that act by pharmacologic mechanisms. CoQ has been demonstrated to be effective and safe with no adverse effects reported in any human or animal studies. The very nature of coenzyme Q is to become oxidized during the transfer of energy, and to be recharged by chemical reduction. This continuous process can eventually take its toll by oxidizing small amounts of CoQ past the point of no return into degraded products that cannot be recharged. This aspect of coenzyme Q is extremely important because exposure to oxygen in the air, light and heat during commercial production of CoQ can cause extensive oxidation. If not protected from the relentless exposure to oxygen during its

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